Friday, March 30, 2012

Memories of a "Friend"

This song has been a guilty pleasure of mine for a few weeks is best played at HIGH volume and right before going into a stressful situation where you need to kick some friggin ass verbally or intellectually. The lyrics are BRUTAL so leave your sensitivities in a deep grave :)

This song brings to mind an incident a "friend" :) related to me. Making love to a beautiful woman, in the after glow hearing the front door slam shut, angry, loveless boyfriend tramping down toward the bedroom yelling incomprehensible rantings. She is crazy and laughing saying "I will call later!!" Pulling up, zipping up, OUT the sliding glass door of the bedroom into the backyard and VAULTING over the back gate into the front yard!! almost breaking a leg, FLYING into the car parked on the street, START THE MOTOR GO!! :) AWAY!! This song blaring on the radio racing down the street. Yelling, laughing, pounding a fist into the car ceiling :) She calls later laughing her ass off at the incident :( you are NUTS girl!!

At least that is the way "my friend" tells it :)

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