Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Question of Occupation

It is a fundamental divide among many of us on the Right about what the Occupy movement means. I think of it maybe in the mirror opposite than many democrats think of it. The hope for the movement is to NOT let it be co-opted by the ideological Left. The "George Soros Crowd" if you will. To the extent that the movement becomes simply a chanting party to fulfill the wishes of large interests whose agenda is global, that is to the advantage of the Right as that is not a movement that will translate into electoral results. These global Left wing interests do not represent or care, frankly, about the extremely pressing real economic problems of Americans that most on the Left AND the Right are up to there last dollar in right now. These GLOBAL left-wing interests want to leverage the fear of ALL Americans and the physical bodies and occupations of the occupy movement into a phalanx to achieve global results that really have nothing to do with the economic conditions of real Americans on the ground in our severely economically depressed cities and small towns.

To my mind the question for the occupy movement is what does it want to continue to occupy?? Does it want to continue to physically occupy as many cities in the country and become simply a tool to achieve the global agenda of some of the Left wing and extremely wealthy interests that it purports to be opposed to?? Or does does it want to transform itself into a spiritual and emotional occupation of the agenda and attention of the American people?? If the movement can transform itself into an "occupy yourselves" movement it will redeem itself. "Occupy" a nursing home where elders are being abused (which is most of them.) "Occupy" a street where hungry people are eating out of garbage cans and feed them. (many streets in my town) "Occupy" town meetings as did the tea party and ACTUALLY speak THEIR minds using words of their own to express ideas. "Occupy" themselves, in short, in the business of creating an equality of caring souls helping each other at the grass roots level where people are hungry and hurting and slowly dying in the slow motion economic melt-down.

To the extent they can "occupy themselves" it is a movement that many good people in the nation will still embrace perhaps not completely at the polls, as we all have varying ideas, but in our time and effort to slowly transform the nation away from one that is obsessed with material consumption and "material occupations" into one that embraces spiritual and personal occupations, the kind that can truly change a person's life and therefore change the nation.

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