Saturday, January 9, 2010

Pornography and Propaganda

The cultural conflict in the world today is not between the word and the image. It is between the literate image and the illiterate image. The world is made of images, it always has been. The problem is that our world is increasingly made of illiterate images. These are images that are not designed to express any thoughts, only emotions. Or they can be images designed to express neither any thought nor any emotion and are only designed to titilate. The former is called propaganda. The latter is called pornography.

This is why we see so much propaganda today from all political persuasions. It is also the reason for the explosion of pornography that we see. The image is being systematically divorced from thought and rationality. When I say images I do not mean pictures. Images are either words or pictures or a combination of both. Images create words and words create images when it is Man's rational core being appealed to. The world is incresingly losing any devotion to thought or reason and therefore such images are a rare, dying delight.

We are awash in the illiterate image.

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