Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Debate

Obama won the debate for the most part. McCain was not wiped out and had some moments, but was far too focused on Iraq.

Obama seems to really understand that the focus on Iraq, while tactically a minor victory for the US over the last year, has been a disaster strategically for the US for 5 years. Obama demonstrated this understanding with this line regarding increasing Chinese presence in Latin America,
"China's ubiquitousness in Latin America is overshadowed only by our absence."
Brilliant, straight to the point, and demonstrates an understanding of the current geostrategic situation that I was not aware he had in him. McCain did not comment on China at all, so focused was he on his talking points on the "surge."

Mrs. Palin, care to provide any thoughts regarding China?? "Thenks, buut........noe thenks."

Hope all is well, John.

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