Thursday, December 31, 2009

Modern Art

A general trend in modern art has been the retreat from the tangible world. One might suppose this was influenced by Freud's "discovery" of the subconscious. Ironically, modern art has also been characterized by the attempt to amalgamate all art into one formal expression, which might be seen as a way to make it coincide more with real, tangible life.

The trend away from tangibility we see in music in the divergence from harmony that was seen in the music of Arthur Schoenburg and Igor Stravinsky. We see this same revolt against tangibility in the abandonment of the ballet form of dance and the rise of free form dance in the 1910s and 1920s led by the incomparable Isadora Duncan.

We most especially see the modern trend in painting with the rise of the impressionist school in France. This was led by Manet and Monet inthe late 19th century.

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