Sunday, August 2, 2009

From My Journal (XVII)

Thursday, July 9, 2009: The Constitution is not simply the document written in 1787. It is the whole fabric of traditions, practices, and liberties that have been developed in fits and starts since Jamestown in 1607.

The Rights of Americans were not abstractions thought of by minds. The American Rights were the necessary tools to function in the American frontier society as it developed over 200 years. Individual Rights are not separate from the practice of citizenship. They are absolutely necessary to sustain any semblance of a society. In such a society the citizenry is a branch of the government, the most important, root branch.

When the citizenry is prevented, or worse refuses to exercise this role, the nation and society stagnate. The source of our troubles today is not a lack of rights. We stagnate due to our lack of the exercise of our rights because of accepted ignorance and a mass culture antithetical to learning and in many ways to thought itself.

The public indulges in frivolous inanities while the society stagnates.

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