Monday, January 21, 2008

What a terrible day

Well, that last post I must have been either stoned or drunk when I made it :) Dumb nicknames, and wildly off the mark guesses!! I was just in a bit of a silly mood and I continue to overestimate Huckabee's appeal. Although, some slight shifts and he might have won SC even though he did not deserve to with that pandering at the end.

Then yesterday, my mom, who has multiple sclerosis, had a seizure and had to go to the hospital. She's doing better now and back home. It was quite disconcerting however, because she had not had a seizure since 2004 I believe. I thought she was at least overcoming that problem but it reared its ugly head again yesterday.

All is better now, I've had no sleep in 24 hours but with coffee and crackers (I love saltene crackers, I didn't mean the racists hehe) I have survived and thrived. In the words of the inimitable Nietschze (which I disagree with) "whatever doesn't kill me will make me stronger"...yeah, right :)

Hope you are well.


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