Monday, April 16, 2012

Words Naturally

Build a world unto themselves
Rolling on the mind
On the tongue
Building blocks of worlds to come

Words Always
Ceaselessly haunt and pain
Is life really in vain?
But no, but not at all
Castaways long for a friend
Songs of thought bring comfort on the wind

Words Always Come
In a trickle of truth
In a river of doubt
Unexpectedly brilliant
Predictably bland
A herald across the land
Flaming embers of mind burning in blood

Words Always Come Naturally
A friend gone but never forgotten
Love once whispered but never forsaken
Once begotten, can never be lost
Gifts for the mind, for the seeking heart eternal
Calming the roiling seas of prejudice
Inflaming the passions of love, lust, beauty,truth
A treasure born from the solitary soul internal

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