Thursday, June 18, 2009

From My Journal (IX)

Saturday, December 20, 2008:

History is not primarily about the past, it is about the future. History is an analysis of the thoughts and actions of human beings. The patterns we find in history are not "laws of history." They are not determinants of future human action. However, the patterns are illuminating of ourselves as a species; how we as a species tend to act under similar circumstances. It is the circumstances, however, that are shaped by individuals.

For instance, the economic crisis was brought on by individuals making decisions for themselves. The economic crisis is a particular circumstance under which politicians tend to fall back on statist solutions to problems. It is inconceivable to many on the Left that past state actions may have brought on the crisis. As most politicians of both parties today are to the Left, it is predictable that the State in the coming years will expand dramatically. This will have grave implications for human liberties, civil rights, private property and privacy rights and the economy.

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