Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Approaching Chaos in Ukraine

The Caucasus chaos will soon spread to Ukraine. The political coalition of President Yushchenko has just broken apart. The Prime Minister, a former Yushchenko ally has broken from him. Yushchenko is the supposedly "pro-Western" President that the Russians tried to poison to death a few years back and succeeded in giving him a horrible acne problem.

The chaos in Ukraine is just beginning, just in time for Cheney's arrival, and at a most convenient time for Russia.



lastochka said...

I'm a historian too. Just some interesting facts about the poisoning of Mr.Yushchenko

John said...

I am quite aware there is controversy regarding the poisoning. I rarely take anything at face value. I also know that generally, with regard to Russian intelligence services(as with all quality intel services), when they want you dead you will be dead. The fact that Yushchenko is not dead is telling.
